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Welcome to my 1st blog! I started this blog to document my cize experience. Cize is a new Beachbody exercise program based on dancing combined with the meal plan from 21 day fix (another Beachbody program). I have done one round of 21 day fix and lost 6 lbs, but more notable was the inches! Unfortunately due to travel and moving, I fell off the 21 day fix wagon! Cize was appealing to me as I am a former dancer and the routines require no equipment. I also signed up to be a coach...mostly for the shakeology discount (a yummy chocolate protein shake also by beachbody) but I'd love to help out others, hence the blog! After seeing my Facebook newsfeed blow up with Beachbody coaches, I became curious, but incredibly skeptical! I'm loving cize so far, but can I really see the success that so many others have? The only way I previously have been successful with slimming down and getting healthy was when I trained for the NYC marathon in 2013...and I want that back! Hoping without running another one! Time will tell! This is my skeptical, but curious experience with Cize, 21 Day Fix, Beachbody, and Shakeology!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

CIZE: Week 2 Review!

"It doesn't get easier, you just get better!"

A quote from Autumn Calabrese that really fits my experience this week!  Sorry for a combined (and late!) post, but I was moving this week and slacked on logging in...BUT NOT ON MY WORK-OUTS!  :)

My second rounds of both Full Out and In the Pocket were ok.  I had my last dance day with mom so now I'm missing my partner! :(  It's a whole new experience to do the work-out alone, but because it's a home work-out, that's probably what most people do and what I'm used to with previous beachbody programs.  She got the program for herself though so I look forward to a joint recital when I come visit haha!  :)

In my 3rd and final rounds of Full Out and In the Pocket I definitely relied more on Shaun T's encouragement since I was doing these alone!  He's so motivating and makes me laugh so that really helps!  Somehow I got to "music video ready!" for both!  

It's amazing how the first day of a dance no matter how many times he repeats it it all gets garbled in my head!  Moves I seem to completely master on their own, I then mess up on when we add them to the sequence.  Then maybe I get that move the next time around and then mess up on something else completely different that I could do perfectly the first time around!  The mind is a confusing place!  But then, the 2nd day I do the dance it gets better and feels do-able and then by the third time, the moves sometimes actually seem slow!  This progression is different for everyone depending on dance experience, but I think it is possible for everyone if you just stick with it!  It may take a week or a month, but if it's a goal, you can get these dances!  Maybe you have to modify, but as I've said before, the great thing about dance is once you get the basic moves down, you then make it your own!  Sometimes it even looks better than the original!  In dance we called this "making face."  Exude confidence even if you're doing the wrong moves and engage the "audience" (even your fake audience) and they'll never know you messed up!  Fake it till you make it!  :)

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